It's true, I've been dreaming up pillows for a sofa I don't even have yet...I wanted to have a few made before the sofa arrives next Sunday...I only got as far as the sketches.
I had grand craft plans for this weekend but, lots of other fun activities got in the way.
A little football in front of our building, walking around in our neighborhood, cooking the best roast chicken ever (the simplest recipe I've tried, yet yielded the most amazing results!!), attending Lisa's Reform School show, AND finally admitting to myself that I needed to sort out my craft area. Ah....don't you just love the feeling of freshly organized fabrics? Maybe it feels so great, because you know it's fleeting, I garwantee this will be destroyed in no time.
We had a bit of a scare last Wednesday, Bear caught a cold and was running a fever of 104.
The vet sent us home with some medication and a syringe to give him Gatorade (for the dehydration) God, it was gut wrenching to see him not eating, and being so lethargic. But I'm happy to report that the little trooper has been getting better and better every day!
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