My in-laws threw Akira a big "how do you do" party in Chicago last month, this is the thank you card we sent to all of the guests.
The balloons and "thank you" were done in photoshop. I really like the way rounded corners look on home made cards, it adds a nice finishing touch.Such a simple little tool makes all the difference.
I hung out with this adorable kid and his mom the other day. Dashiell had a really cute fabric toy and it inspired me to make some little fabric toys for Akira's little hands.
Although Aki's not quite ready to pick anything up (and shove it in his mouth) just yet, he will be in no time.
One day, he'll look back at these toys and think "Why did mom make me play with such girlie looking toys?"
The Ball and Cube have crinkly plastic and parchment paper in them
I had so much fun embellishing some of Akira's plain tops.
I think I'm subconsciously willing my son to become an ocean lover
ingredients for cuteness..
I've been pretty good about keeping the baby stuff to a minimum when I leave the house, I try to squeeze everything in one tote, but I was getting tired of seeing Aki's things (diapers, burpcloths...etc) in ziploc bags (not so cheery) so I made some more pouches.
As soon as we found out we were having a boy, Keith started to refer to the boy in my belly as "Captain", the name has stuck and most of our family and Keith, still refer to him as such....hence the nautical themed pouches, lucky for me I luv anything nautical :)
I've been having fun perusing through people's things in the what's in your bag pool on flickr. I especially love seeing the stuff from places other than the US, different packaging and labels, fun!
What's in your bag? A breakdown of my stuff
well hello there!
It's been quite a month for me, here in my new world. Akira and I are getting to know each other a bit more each day, so much to learn and discover! Thanks to everyone who left such lovely comments, last I checked, he's still pretty damn cute.
Now that I'm starting to get into a groove and gaining some confidence (I've learned that's all any new parent really needs, easier said that done) I've been finding sporadic bits of time to sketch and dream up ideas again
Here's a gi-normous tote I made for the summer, great for stuffing the piles of acoutrement needed to leave the house, with baby in tow. The bag is made out of vintage fabrics, the outer fabric is a printed linen. The double 5 (one on each side) is an
homage to my boy, born on 5-5-08.
Aki grew out of the gingham hat I made for him before I could even put it on him, so here's his newest summer hat. I do love using the same fabrics over and over, it never gets old, I also love how all the things I've made are connected like this guy that I made for keith and this apron that I made for my mom.
I've been dreaming up these outfits, have you ever played on polyvore? I don't recommend it if you don't want to waste hours playing cyber dress up! It's terrible!
I was so excited when I saw this dress at Target two days ago, it reminded me of Jenny's Wiksten world and Wendy Mullin's world, but I got even more excited when I saw this and this and this! I just had to join in!
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